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You’re the driving force in your business, but without your employees, you’d never be where you are today. Your human capital is a serious investment, and your team deserves the attention you’d give any major expense to your company.

Once you have valuable team members, you can’t just ignore them; instead, it’s important to consistently work on keeping your superstars focused, on track, and, most importantly, happy. Going to work isn’t a leisure activity, but everyone has a breaking point, and even the best, most loyal employees will move on if workplace morale takes a permanent nosedive.

Our ebook The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Business Owners can help, giving you the insider pointers you need to ensure your employees are always ready to go to bat for you and your business.

Cultivate a culture

A workplace is more than just a few cubicles and an office or two; it’s a unique atmosphere that plays a significant role in how your business functions. Establishing a corporate culture that keeps employees happy, motivated, and ready to make a difference is an important step, unifying team members and highlighting how important each individual is to your overarching objectives.

The persona, goals, and environment you wish to create will vary from company to company, but what you have to offer to your employees in exchange for hard work is very important. For example, a Foosball table to blow off steam over lunch, an espresso machine that prevents afternoon coffee shop runs, or flexible scheduling for parents can be the difference between a positive workplace and a negative one.

Maintain momentum

Once you have employees excited about your goals, you can’t assume they’ll stay that way forever. After a while, employees who are not nurtured, encouraged and prioritised will become jaded or disenchanted with the process, no matter how well things are going.

Instead of trying to pick employees up out of a slump, keep things moving forward even when morale is high. Take the time to highlight goals and expectations for each member of your team, training consistently to make sure everyone is in the loop at all times.

Share new updates as they occur to show progression towards objectives, and make pep talks a part of everyday business. By taking regular action to make sure every member of your team feels valued and included, you can ensure your employees continue to work towards your mission, in good times and in bad.

When handled effectively, your employees can be the secret to long-term success, offering support through every step of the growth and development process. When you’re struggling to keep your team under control, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Business Owners can teach you everything you need to know to prioritise what matters most. Offering helpful advice on employee management and so much more, you can make sure you always do what’s right to keep your team on the right track.


Bartercard New Zealand

Author Bartercard New Zealand

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