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business needs


What are the Biggest Challenges Faced by Business Networks?

Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often lack the sheer size they need to compete with much larger, international firms. Doing business in an environment where you’re one of the smaller fish is difficult, which is why smaller businesses often align their objectives…
January 14, 2020

Best Practices for Cross-Selling and Upselling

Research shows conclusively that your existing customers are your best chance at increasing your overall sales. Closing a deal with a potential new customer is tricky and doesn’t actually happen all that often—even if your sales team are virtuosos of…
December 12, 2019

Learning to Say No in Business

Being in business usually means opening your doors to everyone, welcoming them in, building relationships and ultimately agreeing to do business together. Sounds simple, right? It can and should be. However, there are situations that can test you and one…
December 4, 2019
BusinessBusiness tips

The Importance of Marketing

As a small business owner, consistent, constant marketing plays a big part in making sure your audience knows you, what you offer and what makes you unique. It would be great to simply open the door to your business every…
November 18, 2019

Four Reasons Why Customer Loyalty is So Important

Most business marketing efforts are split between the competing goals of customer acquisition and customer retention. While new customers translate directly to more business, and greater opportunities for expansion, every business still needs its share of loyal customers to remain…
November 14, 2019

Remunerating Your Employees with the Help of Bartercard

Bartercard’s cashless currency is becoming a popular choice for employers to incentivise their employees, rewarding additional bonuses and providing staff gifts. You might think Bartercard’s benefits can only be used to get more customers, but in fact, they can also be…
October 30, 2019

Introducing Limits to Simplify the Role of Technology

Advances in technology have enabled us to extend our reach in both our business and personal lives. These advances have allowed businesses far more flexibility, empowering them to operate 24/7. Additionally, with social media and the likes of Skype and…
October 7, 2019
Open for business

How to Revive Your Business with Bartercard

No matter how long you’ve been in your business or how smoothly you run it, you can be sure that at some point there will be challenges. That’s simply the nature of business. There are times when you’ll get off…
October 1, 2019