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rewarding staff

Smiling man working on laptop from home wearing red shirt with kitchen in background

Why You Should Consider Flexible Work Schedules

Thanks to a massive shift in technology, companies are starting to adopt flexible work arrangements for their employees. Companies are incorporating flexible work schedules, which involve giving employees the freedom to arrive and depart from work at varying times. This…
March 5, 2020
Diverse group of corporate employees in office smiling at camera

Common Causes for High Employee Turnover

One of the integral facets of achieving business growth and increasing profit is hiring a team of high-performing employees who can do the job efficiently. Hiring effectively is one of the most important business growth strategies, but there’s still no…
March 3, 2020

Remunerating Your Employees with the Help of Bartercard

Bartercard’s cashless currency is becoming a popular choice for employers to incentivise their employees, rewarding additional bonuses and providing staff gifts. You might think Bartercard’s benefits can only be used to get more customers, but in fact, they can also be…
October 30, 2019
Customer loyalty
BusinessBusiness tips

Why You Need a Customer Loyalty Program

No amount of money can buy customer loyalty. If a company’s product or service is good and trustworthy, customers will inevitably come back to support that brand. However, no matter how good a product or service may be, businesses still…
October 14, 2019

What To Buy With Your Bartercard Trade Dollars

Trade dollars can benefit your business in numerous ways. Beyond the simple concept of exchanging good and services, Bartercard takes the barter system a notch higher by employing technology to provide businesses access to an expansive network of like-minded businesses. This allows…
September 23, 2019

Good staff is good business

You're the driving force in your business, but without your employees, you'd never be where you are today. Your human capital is a serious investment, and your team deserves the attention you'd give any major expense to your company. Once…
July 5, 2016