Very few businesses in the world would willingly say “no” to more sales. After all, businesses exist to increase profit, and business owners and employees are working to earn a living and support their families. However, generating those additional sales can be a major challenge. Clients don’t just fall into our laps. Often, you have to invest a lot of time and effort into marketing before you see any results.
That is unless you join a relationship-focused network that opens you up to a whole range of new contacts, leads, and potential clients! What if that network could even boost your income and free up cash for your business? Well, that’s what you get if you join Bartercard – a genuine way to add an extra income stream to your business.
Let’s examine what Bartercard is and three of the awesome benefits it can offer your business, from the people who currently use the system to boost their sales.
What is Bartercard?
Bartercard is a B2B business network that connects you with new customers and allows you to fill capacity gaps in your business. You do not trade in cash. Instead, you barter for services that can boost your business and your lifestyle. This saves you from spending cash unnecessarily.
For example, you could do some work for someone in the network and then use your trade dollars to buy many of your stationery supplies. Or put it towards your work vehicle costs, furniture for your workplace, or even repaint your house. Then there are the lifestyle benefits of travel and other personal services.
The Bartercard network is a great space to connect with other business owners, just like The Networking Group (TNG). Which is why we see the benefits of working closely together. Probably one of the best benefits for TNG members is that you can pay for your membership with Bartercard.
While a lead may start as a Bartercard prospect, you may also do cash work with them to boost all aspects of your business.
Here are some of the benefits of Bartercard that you will love.
1. Conserve your cash
With a long list of commitments on your business income, you don’t want to be spending more of your precious cashflow than you need to. Fortunately, Bartercard alleviates the pressure to do so. There are many things within the network that will help to preserve the cash in your business.
LJ Shaw, TNG Lower Hutt member, has the best tips on how to do this:
“I get to use the trade dollars allocated within our marketing budget to network with other businesses at TNG. I save cash by using trade dollars generated within the Bartercard network. But marketing is not the only area we save in, there are many other ways we spend our Bartercard dollars to conserve our cash. Plus, the connections we make within the TNG network.
“We attract an extra 10% of sales purely through the Bartercard network. Bartercard is an amazing community where business owners can trade directly with services in a closed group that is relationship-focused. TNG ties in with that exclusivity. It is a privilege to network with cash and Bartercard clients in the same space at TNG.”
2. Speed up the slow spells
Most businesses will experience slow periods. Whether it is due to running a seasonal business, a traditionally quiet time, or a shortfall in marketing, your business will not always operate at maximum capacity.
This is where Bartercard can help. Let Sharon, Bartercard’s own TNG Te Rapa member, show you how:
“The biggest benefit of Bartercard is that people get new customers when they need them the most. You can also move excess stock and fill idle capacity to offset your regular cash spends.
Bartercard and TNG work hand in hand. It’s great being in a business network, where all our members support each other.”
3. Boost your marketing potential
With so many costs to consider, marketing is often one of the last to budget for. But without marketing, you will struggle to grow your business.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get a complete marketing strategy and implement it without impacting your cash flow? With Bartercard, you can! And Lara McCormick, Regional Manager of TNG and marketing expert at Big Rock Communications will explain exactly how you can do it:
“I love that you can work a whole marketing plan for an SME, paying for it all on Bartercard. Everything from networking, telemarketing, database purchasing, to email newsletters and radio advertising. And that is just for starters. All of these components can help drive Cash sales into your business.
I also love that networking within Bartercard and TNG has expanded my network of business owners. I have found them all to have wonderful open attitude to growing their businesses in today’s environment.”
Maximise your income streams
So, are you ready to get the most out of a TNG membership, conserve cash in your business, fill quiet periods, and boost your marketing?
Then join TNG and pay for it using your Bartercard dollars. No cash investment for you, but a massive return in connections and sales. Make some extra income for your business to save for that capital item, boost your marketing, or finally go on that holiday you have been longing for!
Become a Bartercard member today!