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Technology is a vitally important part of doing business, especially in this day and age. How you market your services, how customers interact with you, and how sales are made is often directly linked to how well you use modern approaches to technology.

In an efficient small business, technological applications, like social media, mobile pay, eCommerce solutions, and cloud-based data systems, are often front and centre, driving the day-to-day operations of your business. If you’re still shuffling through paper invoices and ringing customers up at an old fashioned cash register, our ebook The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Business Owners can help you get back on the right path, providing the guidance you need to choose the best solutions rather than the easiest ones.

Bring customers together from anywhere

One of the biggest perks to technology is the ability to unite business with customers from anywhere, whether through eCommerce shopping options, mobile pay on-site, or connections via social media. These steps may seem small – after all, a credit card at a cash register is just as effective as QR scanners or mobile apps for payment – but in reality, the right approach to technology can be extremely effective in building customer retention.

With a strategic way to reach out to businesses, participate in ongoing conversations and contests, and make purchases, customers are able to form connections with you in new and creative ways. When consumers feel like they can reach you from anywhere, shopping from home, chatting with you on social media, or using your app to order, they are more likely to feel a kinship with you that will drive loyalty and, more importantly, repeat sales.

Skip the cheap and nasty

You have a social media page at home, right? So how hard could digital marketing for your small business be?

The answer is harder than you’d expect. Social media marketing takes a finely-tuned strategy to get right; posting status updates about your day or pictures of your cat isn’t going to fly in a business setting. Instead of attempting to go it alone, now’s the time to take advantage of your business network and seek professional assistance.

Unless you’re a secret Internet master, things like social media management, just like cloud-based solutions, automated accounting measures, and integrated payroll systems, are going to be a challenge to manage single-handedly. Instead, let the experts do what they do best: implement the solutions you need to keep your company on the right track.

Whether you’re a computer wiz or just figuring out how to use your first smartphone, there’s no avoiding technology in your small business. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Business Owners, our one of a kind resource for entrepreneurs, gives you everything you need to know to become the master of your small business – and your technology!

Bartercard New Zealand

Author Bartercard New Zealand

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