Following the best marketing blogs is a great way to keep informed and inspired, especially when establishing your own multi-channel marketing platform. Here, we look at our favourite marketing blogs and some of the most successful and distinctive strategies behind them. Explore these top five blogs below to discover the secrets to building your own multi-channel marketing platform.
Five of the Best Marketing Blogs
1. Marketing Basics Blog: HubSpot Marketing Blog
The HubSpot Marketing Blog is a good source for people looking to build a marketing strategy. The site offers an expansive range of easy-to-follow guides for professionals building their marketing strategy, campaign, or team. It is updated regularly and full of resources to help maximise your team’s efforts.
2. Marketing News Blog: Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land is an ideal source for people wanting to stay up to date on the latest in digital marketing and MarTech (marketing technology). The website is updated several times a day with the latest developments in SEO, commerce, content, social media, analytics, and more. They also offer webinars, in-depth research reports, and white papers.
3. Marketing Industry Blog: Marketing Dive
Marketing Dive is for those interested in current marketing campaigns and industry news and analysis. This blog examines the latest campaigns from popular consumer brands, producing a wide range of reported features, opinion pieces, trend analysis, press releases highlighting industry news. Marketing Dive is frequently updated with original content, and editors recommend additional reads from other popular business sites directly from their homepage.
4. Content Marketing Blog: Content Marketing Institute
Content Marketing Institute is a great blog site for those looking to improve their content marketing skills and stay up to date on the latest industry trends. They also hold webinars and offer formal training classes. It is updated every weekday, offering interviews with professionals, industry forecasts, best practices advice, and more.
5. Marketing Strategy Blog: Marketing Profs
Marketing Profs features a comprehensive, searchable database of articles sharing in-depth analysis on marketing strategy. This blog focuses on tips and implications surrounding the latest B2B marketing approaches, as written by actual marketing professionals, and offers training, on-demand master classes, and individual consulting services.
Learn New Marketing Skills With Bartercard
If you are seeking to launch your own marketing blog, consider the reader you aim to reach with each blog post. Who are they? What do they do? What are they looking for? And most importantly, what insights or expertise can you offer to them? Once you have established this, you can start to build out a concrete plan for your content strategy.
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